double-entry bookkeeping

《double-entry bookkeeping》怎以读

[ˈdʌbəl ˈɛntri ˈbʊkˌkipɪŋ]

《double-entry bookkeeping》是什么意思

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    double-entry bookkeeping

    • n.bookkeeper debits the transaction to one account and credits it to another

      同义词:double entry

    学习《double-entry bookkeeping》怎么用


    1. The principle of duality is the basis of the double-entry bookkeeping system on which accounting is based.


    Double Entry Book-Keeping
    Double-Entry Bookkeeping
    Double Entry Book-Keeping
    Accounting for Rationality: Double-Entry Bookkeeping and the Rhetoric of Economic Rationality
    Rhetoric and the Invention of Double Entry Bookkeeping
    Methodology of performing double-entry bookkeeping on an internet based accounting system and producing accounting information online
    Accounting change in central government: The adoption of double entry bookkeeping at the Portuguese Royal Treasury (1761)
    Accounting change in central government: The adoption of double entry bookkeeping at the Portuguese Royal Treasury (1761)
    Double-Entry Bookkeeping and the Birth of Capitalism: Accounting for the Commercial Revolution in Medieval Northern Italy
    The historical significance of double-entry bookkeeping: Some non-Sombartian claims
    The Mathematics of Double Entry Bookkeeping
    Introducing double-entry bookkeeping in public finance: a French experiment at the beginning of the eighteenth century
    Notes on the Origin of Double Entry Bookkeeping